
I want to prepare a score that should include the slurs. I was requested to remove the slurs, since "the historic scores did not have "such things, only acciaturas similar have slurs". But I would like to keep the slurs inside the Lilypond sources and use the benefit of Lilyponds engravers.

Unfortunately I did not find a way to differentiate between normal slurs and appigiaturas. Is there a way to remove the "real slurs"?

\score {
  \relative c' {
    a'8.( b16) b8.\mordent( a32 b) cis8-. cis, cis4~ | % 40
    cis8 b16 a b8-. b-. \appoggiatura{cis16} b8 a  r4 | % 41

  \layout {
% this will remove the slurs, but it removes everything.
%    \context { \Voice \remove "Slur_engraver" }


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