Hi everyone, I’m using ver 2.15.38 (since the 2.16 release isn’t out), and 
being the first time I’ve used an unstable build I don’t know if this is a bug, 
since there are no examples on the website that directly correspond.

I’m setting a piece for three voices with sections that repeat for the purpose 
of the next verse. So what I want to have happen is (view with a monospace 

Top voice - - - - - - - |: - - - - - - - - - :|
Lyrics, blah blah blah    First verse lyrics
                          Second verse lyrics
Middle voice  - - - - - |: - - - - - - - - - :|
Lyrics, blah blah blah    First verse lyrics
                          Second verse lyrics
Bottom voice - - - - -  |: - - - - - - - - - :|
Lyrics, blah blah blah    First verse lyrics
                          Second verse lyrics

Diligently following the instructions at 
 , there is no trouble with a single-staff system as in the example, but adding 
another voice causes all the text in the second verse to drop to the 
bottom-most staff, like this:

Top voice - - - - - - - |: - - - - - - - - - :|
Lyrics, blah blah blah    First verse lyrics
Middle voice  - - - - - |: - - - - - - - - - :|
Lyrics, blah blah blah    First verse lyrics
Bottom voice - - - - -  |: - - - - - - - - - :|
Lyrics, blah blah blah    First verse lyrics
                          Second verse lyrics
                          Second verse lyrics
                          Second verse lyrics

I have worked on this problem for days now, and I have no idea if I’m doing 
something wrong or if this is a real bug. I could not find any examples that 
dealt with volta repeats of different text with more than a single voice. 
Please, please help!
Below is a small example with actual code (25 lines due to formatting). 
Un-comment the commented lines to see the issue.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!
- Colin

\version "2.15.38"
\score {
        \new ChoirStaff {
                \new Voice = "melody" \relative c''
                { a4 a a a \repeat volta 2 { b4 b b b } c4 c8 c c2 }
                \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody"
                { The start -- ing words.
                        { The first time words. }
                                \new Lyrics
                                \set associatedVoice = "melody"
                                Sec -- ond time words.
                        The fin -- al words.
%               \new Voice = "harmony" \relative c'
%               { f4 f f f \repeat volta 2 { g8 g g4 g2 } a4 a8. a16 a2 }
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