2012/5/21 John McWilliam <jsmcwill...@gmail.com>:
> The snippet seems to compile without any errors

Well, it returns:

atest-14.ly:757:16: error: unknown escaped string: `\Bkey'

atest-14.ly:757:16: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING

atest-14.ly:729:8: error: errors found, ignoring music expression

error: failed files: "atest-14.ly"

and after commenting \Bkey :

atest-14.ly:739:25: warning: trying to use \partial after the start of a piece
                         \partial 4. c'4.^\markup {Sjung.........}

That's tedious. Please make sure to post a compiling file/snippet
containing the used version.

However, you could try:

\version "2.14.2"

\score {

        \new Staff

        \relative c' {
                \time 4/4
                r2 r8
                 \new Voice = "melody" {
                         c'4.^\markup {Sjung.........}
% Rehersal mark A
                 \mark \default
                 \repeat volta 2 {
                         a4 a a8 a4 g8~ |g4. g8~ g4 r8 g8 |g4 g8 g~ g g g4 |f2. 
                         \times 2/3 {r4 c f}
                         \times 2/3 {a d a} |e4 e8 d~ d c bes4 |e4 e8 d~ d c 
                 \alternative {
                         {a2 r8 c'4.}
                         {a,4 r2 r4 \bar "||"}
        \autoBeamOn \oneVoice
% Rehersal mark B
                \mark \default
                d1\mf (e f g2) r4 d4 |
                \bar "|."
        } %end relative

        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {
                La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, 
La, La
                La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La.


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