On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Philip Thomas
<philip.tho...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
> Dear Christ,

> I just opened your email and have saved the attachment. I will find out in
> the coming hours whether it does indeed help in dealing with the problems
> that I'm encountering.
Ok, good luck!

> But I wanted to say, now, how much I appreciate your
> digging it out. I guess you must be the user forum administrator or
> something like that, but even with good record keeping it must have taken
> quite some effort on your part to find something submitted 6 years ago.
No problem at all! Since you quoted part of the original mail, I could
type that into GMail's search box, and it came up with the original
mail instantly ;-)

And, I'm just a regular user, not an administrator _at all_.

> I am a comparative beginner, and I have been amazed at how ready the
> LilyPond community is to answer questions, even when asking them displays
> ignorance about the documentation.

That's true, and kudos to all for:
- Making LilyPond
- Making LilyPond possible
- Making LilyPond progress
- Making docs (as a programmer, who hates making docs, I know how hard
it is to describe anything at all, esp. if it needs to be read by
humans ;-) )
- Replying on this nice mailing list
- Etc
- Etc

> In fact I do try to help myself as much
> as I can by researching the documentation and the forum, but there is a
> learning curve that one needs to persist in climbing, and I suspect most
> people (particularly non-programmer types) need some help from others in
> order to succeed.

Yes, you need to
- learn it, and
- keep up with it

I tend to be such a casual user (Oh, a song we're singing in the choir
has been hand-written 20+ years ago, has been copied 30-ish times and
can now hardly be read. Let me-re-engrave that...) this I almost
always need to re-learn Lily to get it right :-( Well, I guess I need
to make some base files to get started, then!

> Both you and, of course, Markus Schneider with his
> original post (even though I don't know whether he is still an active user),
> are generous sources of such help to me.

No problem!

> Have a great weekend.

You too!

> I'll be spending a large part of my weekend polishing
> up a special "edition" of a piece for the choir to sing at my baby
> grandson's baptism in a few weeks' time.

At my own (girl's) baptism, me, my wife and 2 good friends sang a song
as well. It gives such a nice personal touch to the baptism!

Congrats on your baby grandson!

> I hope the attachment you sent will
> help me to sort out (most particularly) an ugly near-collision between volta
> brackets and the key signature, but even if it doesn't work, I already feel
> mightily heartened by your kindness. Thank you so much.

Good luck, hope it helps! If not, perhaps other people on the list can
look it over sometimes?

Christ van Willegen

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