2012/7/14 "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger" <kai.lautenschlae...@me.com>:
> Hi Thomas,
> thanks, that solves the first problem. Now I am left with a readable result
> but there is a lot of white space between the picture on the left and the
> text on the right (about 6cm of white). Is there a way, I can influence
> that? Like pulling the text closer to the picture?

That's the way \fill-line works.
You could try sth like \fill-line { \null <arg1> \null <arg2> \null },
but my own tries with that approach weren't sufficient, even if I
replace \null with \hspace #x.
Instead I'd suggest to use \line and \hspace #x to place the args manually.
->code below

> Also I noticed, that the
> upper edge of the picture is positioned slightly below the upper edge of the
> letters in the text's first line. Is there a tweak for that?

It will work, if you add \general-align #Y #UP before the second
argument of the markup.

> best regards,
> Kai

Here's the code, including some other minor changes in order to simplify it.

\version "2.15.39"
\markup {
        \column {
                \vspace #10
                \line {
                        \hspace #5
                        \general-align #Y #UP { \epsfile #X #20
#"Louis_Lewandowski.eps" }
                        \hspace #8
                        \general-align #Y #UP {
                                \override #'(line-width . 60)
                                \wordwrap {
                                        \bold "Louis Lewandowski"
                                        (* 3. April 1821 in Wreschen,
Provinz Posen,
                                        Preußen, heute Września, Polen.
                                        † 4. Februar 1894 in Berlin) war ein
                                        deutsch-jüdischer Komponist,
der vor allem durch
                                        die Neubelebung und Öffnung
der jüdischen Liturgie
                                        bekannt wurde. \italic { (nach
Wikipedia. Stand: 12.7.2012) }
                        \hspace #2


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