On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 5:04 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (I had a brief look at the file format years ago; the problem is that
> they run some sort of compression scheme over their data)

What I'd do in cases like this is:

- Create a 'score' with only a middle C1 in it
- Same with a C2
- Same with a D1
- Same with a B1
- Other staff symbol
- Other key
- Look at the binary differences
- Play around with the numbers
- See if Sib can re-import it after change

Then, re-itererate for 2 notes...

Takes a long time, but may help.

If there are a _lot_ of binary changes between a C1 and a C2, then
it's probably some encrypted/compressed format...

Christ van Willegen
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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