
I'm trying to make a score consisting of only chords and lyrics.
Perhaps someone would advise me to use a different program, but I
would like to be able to scale the score to another font height
easily. Not sure if that can be done with another program (especially
not with a text editor, probably...)

So, I created the attached file, a children's song in Dutch. The
'melody' is only there to specify how long the text that is added to
the notes takes, to line it up with the chords. Is there another way
to do that?

I haven't been able to easily remove the staff that carries the
'melody'. Is there a better way to remove it altogether instead of
removing all the individual engravers?

Thanks for any insights! If this file were to be found
'snippet-ready', I'll add it to the LSR!

Christ van Willegen

Attachment: Paddestoel.ly
Description: Binary data

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