----- Original Message ----- From: ""Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger"" <dr.lautenschlae...@gmx.net>
To: "lilypond-user User" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 3:33 PM
Subject: slashSeparator-question

Hi Everyone,

in my scores I usually use the command: system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator within the /paper-block. Sometimes at the same time I want very narrow distances between staves (system-system-spacing). After searching the manuals I couldn't find an answer to two questions concerning this symbol. I read there, that I can use any /markup-block for system-separator-markup but:

1. Sometimes the slashSeparator comes very close to the bar-numbering of the first staff. Is it possible to pad the slashSeparator in any way. For that I would - as I understand it - have to know the context in which the symbol is set.

2. I can not change the size (I would like for it to be larger) of the symbol. If I am not mistaken I would need a possibility to directly name the glyph. But I can't find a hint, where the gylph comes form (what font, maybe a glyph-name). Can anyone point me to that information?

Maybe I searched for the wrong keywords or didn't understand the manual. Any tip is very welcome!…


A search of the source code gives:

slashSeparator = \markup {
 \vcenter \combine
 \beam #2.0 #0.5 #0.48
 \raise #0.7 \beam #2.0 #0.5 #0.48

So - as the name implies, system-separator-markup simply uses markup as its argument, so you could put any valid markup there, I believe. However, I don't think there is any collision avoidance done with the separator and the staves.

Phil Holmes

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