----- Original Message ----- From: "Helge Kruse" <helge.kruse-nos...@gmx.net>
To: "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net>
Cc: "Helge Kruse" <helge.kr...@gmx.net>; <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: Suppressing staff

Am 23.09.2012 19:26, schrieb Phil Holmes:
Give the piano the lyrics?

\score {
     \new Staff { <<  \new Voice = "one" \singer >> }
     \new PianoStaff <<
       \new Staff = "pianoRH" { <<  \pianoRight >> }
       \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "pianoRH" } \lyricsto "1"
{ \words }
       \new Staff { <<  \pianoLeft >> }

I've used the voice context "1" since you've used implicit voices in
your example.

many thanks. That's nearly what I need. But there is one nasty thing I could not solve. There are two measures where the rhythm is differs between singer and piano right hand.

I have annotated this in the second measure with an ossia that would have the singer's melody. But I have no idea how I can "connect" this ossia notes to the lyrics.

I want to skip the singers staff to save space. Therefore I don't want to print the ossia. It shows only how I want to deal with the lyrics syllables. Any other (invisible) set of notes would do it. Can you help here?

> You might want to name the voices explicitly, in which
> case the name would change.
Advice appreciated and accepted. ;-)

Another attempt. One thing we'd not been taking note of (and I now notice because of reading the NR about lyrics again) is that in lyricmode the syllables themselves have a duration. So we can therefore write them with their own rhythm and they'll be close to aligning with the relevant note.

\version "2.16.0"

common = { \key g\major \time 3/4 }
% words = \lyricmode { La,4 la la, la. Tra8 -- la -- la -- la }

singer = \relative c'' {
  b a g | fis g8 b c d }

pianoRightA = \relative c'' {
  \voiceOne b4 a g |
  << { fis g b }
     \new Staff \with {  alignAboveContext = #"pianoRH" fontSize = #-2 }
     { fis4 g8 b c d }

pianoRightB = \relative c'' {
  \common \voiceTwo
  <e, c>2. | <d b> }

pianoLeft = \relative c {
  \clef bass d4. d8 d,4 g2 }

\score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "pianoRH" { << \new Voice="piano" \pianoRightA \pianoRightB >> } \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "pianoRH" } \lyricmode { La4 la la la tra8 tra tra tra }
      \new Staff { <<  \pianoLeft >> }

Phil Holmes

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