Hello again,

sorry for reposting, but thunderbird (again) crashed the code layout ...

Cheers, Jan-Peter

Am 04.01.2013 14:54, schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
Hello list,

I am experimenting with scheme engravers and have an issue with simultanious voices.

This little snippet prints out the barnumber and measure-position for each engraver, when start-translation-timestep is called.
The output here is:
1: 1 #<Mom 0>
1: 1 #<Mom 1/4>
1: 1 #<Mom 1/2>
-- here are voices 2 and 3 missing for #<Mom 1/2>?
1: 1 #<Mom 3/4>
2: 1 #<Mom 3/4>
3: 1 #<Mom 3/4>
1: 2 #<Mom 0>
2: 2 #<Mom 0>
3: 2 #<Mom 0>
so, the start-translation-timestep slot is not called, when the new voices are newly created. I want to push overrides at specific locations using this engraver. This is done in the start-t..-slot.

Why is this not called?
Does anybody know?

Best wishes for the new year!

\version "2.16.0"

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists #(let ((ccid 1))
                 (lambda (context)
                   (let ((id ccid))
                     (set! ccid (+ 1 ccid))
                     `((start-translation-timestep .
                         ,(lambda (trans)
                            (format #t "~A: ~A ~A\n" id (ly:context-property context 'currentBarNumber)
                              (ly:context-property context 'measurePosition))))

\score {
  \relative c'' {
    c d << { e f } \\ { c d } >>
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