Ed Gordijn <ed.klari...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi David,
>> Well, you need _two_ trill starting commands now (though you could
>> likely squeeze <>\startTrillSpan into \SetUpPrall), and you need to
>> spend more attention to detail to the overrides.
>> So you likely contributed more time on this than I did.
> I am still in 2.16 and did try your tweaks but didn't get it ride. I
> know that 2.17 has got a new syntax with dots but converting that to
> the 2.16 style didn't solve it. Here is my code, I don't know what is
> wrong.
> \version "2.16.0"
> beginPrallSpan = {
> \tweak #'(bound-details left text) \markup { \fontsize #-5 \musicglyph
> #"accidentals.leftparen" }
> \tweak #'(bound-details left stencil-offset) #'(0.02 . -0.65)
> \startTrillSpan
> }

Well, putting { ... } around it is wrong, for one thing: it turns the
whole into sequential music.  Other than that it would be fine if \tweak
supported the tweaking of subproperties.


commit c35b698a7cb24bc0bd2f724c23e4c6fc455bdf75
Author: David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>
Date:   Sat Nov 24 21:04:21 2012 +0100

    Issue 2997/2: Let \tweak deal with nested properties

was just entered in LilyPond in version 2.17.8.  All the tweak/override
folderol makes a good case for thinking of releasing 2.18 in a
reasonable time frame.  The spacing improvements of 2.17.1 are of course
also some incentive, but "it looks better in the unstable version" is
less awkward than "oh, in the stable version this won't work at all and
the input is much more complicated".

> So, yes I am spending more time, but learned more than you did ;-)

And with luck, in a less exasperating way.

David Kastrup

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