I'm sorry, while referencing the snipped I forgot to actually mention it:

 [1]: http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=202

2013/2/11 Andrii Senkovych <jolly_ro...@itblog.org.ua>:
> Dear lilypond hackers,
> I want to place numbered rehearsal marks together with segno or coda
> signs and I've found just about the right way to do this in the
> Lilypond Snippets[1]. However, the snippet uses letters and markletter
> function to define them. Unfortunately I didn't find which command
> will place numbers instead of letters. I tried marknum adn marknumber
> with no success (obviously, there are no such markup commands in
> lilypond).
> How is (or can be) this markup command defined?
> --
> Thanks,
> Andrii Senkovych

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