
today I finished the first draft of a paper on a plain text file based toolchain for writing (about) music. The target audience are people who regularely author such documents but aren't converted yet to 'our' approach to authoring. The text doesn't provide material to 'getting started' but is intended as a mere presentation with the goal of making the target audience curious and to give it a try.

Although the text is still _very_ sketchy I would like to ask for feedback. Please don't complain about linguistic details, and not even about flaws in the argumentation - as I will completely review the text anyway. My objective was to get through it from start to end as fast as possible ...

What I would prefer being commented on (of course I'll happily consider *any* comments) is something like:
- Did I miss crucial aspects ('selling points')?
- Will it be (given the mentioned revision) convincing for 'not-yet-converts'?
  Would they understand what I'm talking about?
- Should I try to make some aspects much shorter/give some more weight and room? - How detailed should I include (code and score) examples, how many screenshots?

The file is here:

Best and thanks in advance

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