2013/6/26 Rachael Thomas Carlson <rachael.thomas.carl...@gmail.com>:
> Hello everyone:
> I am wondering how one might create a slur with the  \markup command.  I am
> trying to create, in tabulature, two pull-offs that occur simultaneously in
> the same voice.
> \version "2.16.2"
> \new TabStaff {
> <c' e>8\2\4 <b d>\2\4
> }
> I need to create a slur between both of these notes without creating two
> voices in the tabulature as that would mess up the stems and beaming that I
> am working on.
> Thank you for any help that you are able to give,
> Rachael
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How about

\version "2.16.2"

\new TabStaff {
        \set doubleSlurs = ##t
        <c' e>8\2\4( <b d>\2\4)


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