2013/10/5 Chris Crossen <ch...@crossen.net>:
> In the top staff of the third measure of the attached image, there is a mark
> consisting of two right-angle lines just before the rest at the end of the
> measure. I suspect it is closing the section marked ‘Trumpets’ that is two
> measures back.
> I’ve tried looking it up in Gould, but don’t know what to call it and
> haven’t been able to find it.
> Can someone tell me what it is called? And, how do I produce it with
> Lilypond?
> Thanks,
> Chris

Hi Chris,

no idea what it means.
Though, you could reproduce it with:
(after http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Search?q=Hauptstimme )

\version "2.16.2"

endBracket = \markup \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0) {
  \path #0.15 #'((moveto -0.5 0.2)
                 (lineto 2 0.2)
                 (lineto 2 -2.5))

\relative c'' {
    <a f'>8[
    <a e'>]


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