Am 06.11.2014 15:57, schrieb Alice Eldridge:
Dear Lilypond list,

We are plotting a networked score system, where each part can be updated dynamically from a central controller. In the simplest case, this would be a set score, with a means to indicate the current bar, as an ensemble plays - this might be a vertical line scrolling through, a change in font colour etc. This would then be displayed on a tablet.

Lily pond seems like it might be a nice starting point to develop something like this - can anyone advise: Is this something which could be developed using the API as a starting point??

I think (but don't take my word for it) that a scrolling cursor would be harder to achieve, but for changing colors or the like you could experiment with outputting to SVG. There's much that can be done with that, including "dancing notes" ;-)


Many thanks in advance.

Dr Alice Eldridge
Music Informatics
Chichester 2 2r209
Department of Informatics and Engineering <>
+44 (0) 1273 87 7267

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