2014-12-29 16:24 GMT+01:00 Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com>:

> I think that it happens because it assumes that you want to use a TabStaff
> context.

btw, find attached a file which compiles fine
do you really want just a staff without tablature?
\version "2.19.15"

%\include "bend.ly"
\include "notation-snippets/guitar-string-bending/definitions.ily"

\header {
  title = "I'm going home"
  composer = "Alvin Lee, 10 Years After"

melody = \relative c'' {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

  \partial 4. a8 c8. d16 |
  \once \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #5
  \once \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
  \once \override Glissando #'extra-dy = #-0.5
  \times 2/3 { dis8\glissando d( c) } d8. a16 d8. a16 c8. d16 |
  c4 a8. g16 \autoBeamOff a8 a8 \autoBeamOn \times 2/3 {c8 e fis} |
  a8. a16 c8. dis16 d8. c16 \times 2/3 {d8 c a} c4 a8. g16 a4 c4 |
  \times 4/6 {dis8[ c d c a c]} \times 4/6 {dis[ c d c a c]}
  dis c gis g e g
  \times 2/3 {bis8\glissando b c}
  g2( a)  a, \glissando b a~ a b d4( e\2) a( g) \bendOn a( g) \bendOff

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Voice { \clef "treble_8" \melody }
    \new TabVoice { \clef "moderntab" \melody }
  \layout {
    \omit StringNumber
    \context {
      \override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing.padding = #5

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