Enclosed you'll find a link to the agenda, minutes, actions and IRC logs
from the
Linaro kernel working group weekly meetings of  April 04, 2011.

== Summary  ==
 * Starting up the planning for next cycle
   * Six high-level TRs:
     - (1) device tree, (2) Android, (3) kernel/uboot support for new
SoCs/boards (including standard architecture),
     - (4) get to a monthly cadence for John Rigby, (5) improve performance
of kernel/uboot for upcoming boards/SoCs, and (6) improve RAS for same.
   * For 4) we need to get a monthly cadence for John Rigby, we need to help
John Rigby to put together a monthly image for testing/evaluation.
 * There are a lot of not upstream-headed patches, Andy will try to separate
them out into a good bad and ugly pile.
 * Discussion whether networking should be a new focus area for the group.
Paull will bring this topic to the TSC to see whether they will be in
support of handling Network device Drivers fix-ups and improvement.
 * Device Tree
   * All of the u-boot patches are in jcrigby's tree that covers omap3/4,
samsung, freescale
   * On the kernel side efika, panda, overo, samsung  and beagle support has
been patched in and jcrigby will be pulling them into his stable tree
 * For Android - After alarmtimers is finished, John thinks lowmemorykiller
would be a good area to look into.
 * Some of the kconfig Work  Items will be  POSTPONED to next cycle, as
Jason will test kexec and John has to concentrate on Android kernel tree.

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