Tegra's I2C driver has a unique feature built in (although not mainlined
yet); it can multiplex the I2C bus onto different sets of pins using the
Tegra pinmux module, and hence can register more than 1 I2C bus with the
I2C core for each controller. The exact number of busses registers, and
the pinmux settings to be used, are provided by platform data. See:

http://git.chromium.org/git/kernel-next.git chromeos-2.6.38

If I understand the direction of devicetree on ARM, there should be a
single devicetree node for the Tegra I2C controller, which will get
matched up with a static platform device registration in e.g.

I can easily see how to provide the appropriate platform data to the
Tegra I2C driver, by definining the appropriate fields in a custom
devicetree binding.

To cater for the multiple child busses, the simplest solution seems to
be to define each child node's reg property to be a tuple, <sub_bus_id,
i2c_address> (c.f. existing <i2c_address>). E.g.:

IIC0: i2c@00000000 {
        compatible = "nvidia,tegra250-iic";
        #address-cells = <2>;
        #size-cells = <0>;
        bus_muxes = <pinmuxid_1 pinmux_value_1 pinmuxid_2 pinmux_value_2>;
        rtc@68 {
                compatible = "stm,m41t80";
                reg = <0 0x68>;
        sttm@48 {
                compatible = "ad,ad7414";
                reg = <1 0x48>;

The problem is then that of_i2c_register_devices won't work well for the
Tegra I2C controller, since it enforces that each child node's reg
property be a single value, the I2C address.

To solve this, should we:

a) Have each mux'd bus have a separate devicetree node underneath the
main I2C device, e.g.:

IIC0: i2c@00000000 {
        compatible = "nvidia,tegra250-iic";
        // @0 doesn't really end up matching a
        // reg property within the child though
        bus@0 {
                #address-cells = <1>;
                #size-cells = <0>;
                pinmux_group = <N>;
                pinmux_value = <M>;

                rtc@68 {
                        compatible = "stm,m41t80";
                        reg = <0x68>;

        bus@1 {
                #address-cells = <1>;
                #size-cells = <0>;
                pinmux_group = <N>;
                pinmux_value = <M>;

                sttm@48 {
                        compatible = "ad,ad7414";
                        reg = <0x48>;

Then, the bus@0 or bus@1 nodes could be placed into adap->dev.of_node,
since the devices are hung off there.


Implement custom devicetree child enumeration code in the Tegra I2C
driver to replace of_i2c_register_devices, which implements the
two-entry reg format. The first devicetree example in this email could
then be used.


Perhaps remove the bus mux functionality from the Tegra I2C driver, and
implement a separate I2C mux driver for it.

I'm not sure if devicetree has a defined representation for I2C bus
muxes, and even if it does, since the mux control isn't accessed by I2C
registers (as most standalone I2C bus muxes are), but rather Tegra-
specific pinmux API calls, I'm not quite sure how to represent it in

Thanks for any thoughts!


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