I'd like to announce a change in how the Linaro Toolchain group notify
about our monthly releases.  In the past we've sent one email per
product to the linaro-announce list.  From this week forward a summary
of all products will be included in the main, end of month
announcement instead.

We'll continue to send a per product emails to the linaro-toolchain
list when the mid-month release is available.  If you'd like to get
things two weeks early, please subscribe[1].  You can filter on the
word '[ANNOUNCE]' to filter out the development chatter.  A RSS feed
is also available[2].

-- Michael

[1] http://lists.linaro.org/mailman/listinfo/linaro-toolchain
[2] http://feeds.launchpad.net/linaro-toolchain/announcements.atom

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