Bug #16931, was updated on 2010-Mar-09 17:21
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.

Project: LinCityNG
Category: feature request
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: alainb
Assigned to : none
Summary: Proposal for a new layout of interface

Details: I prefered the old-lincity (the svga one) layout, where we could see 
many more information at once.

So i propose in the attached image a new layout.
Maybe not everything need to be changed as in the example given (modifying the 
place of items implies changing documentation and translations, so maybe just 
adding several minimap/Stat/€ box could do the trick).


Date: 2010-Mar-09 17:51
By: alainb

file is available at http://files.mail.ru/D3B7F7?t=1
(2010 march)

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