Hello guys. I got to playing this game again (because it's fun and I've still yet to win) and, as usual, I eventually became frustrated with the difficulty in figuring out which way my jobs, food, etc. were moving on transport. You can eventually figure it out by clicking on and observing the load of a good on each piece of transport, but it's very limited and a pain. So hear ya go...

OK, so there's two patch sets here, one for 2.0 and one for the HEAD. The reason being is that the HEAD currently just crashes for me. I hope you don't mind if I'm lazy and just include it all in one email.

Oh yeah, another thing is that looking at this code is always daunting to me. It's hard to figure out which paradigm to use, since there are a number of conflicting ones. Yes, I realize that it's in the process of being converted from C to C++, but, well, I don't mean to sound unpleasant, but I don't care for the approach being taken. :) None the less, it's a very fun game with a beautiful interface, look & feel and you guys rightly deserve kudos for that, good job!

Anyway, I went the C approach, even though the files I edited were all being com
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