Hello Heikki,

At the moment I have no plans with the music system. Simply
because there are at the moment only three songs.

I simply got interested in the code because it was always presenting me the song: default.xml


On 08/03/2013 10:38 AM, Heikki Ketoharju wrote:
Khristian: Do you have interest/any future plans for the music system? I
coded the new version (good if you debugged it: it was first c++ code I
ever wrote), and had plans for extending parsing capabilities so that game
would allow greater variety of different theme file syntaxes.

I still have musical score somewhat made, but haven't had time transforming
it from my head to some DAW.

2013/7/28 Wolfgang Becker <u...@gmx.de>

On 2013-07-17 Khristian Cramberger <cman.linc...@gmail.com> wrote:
does not create the folder
Should be fixed now. The install rule was not correct for new music
system with subfolders and xml.

for lack of <installdoc>CREDITS...
In svn CREDITS is created from creditslist.xml. It might be missing
if you never ran makerelease.sh.

Wolfgang Becker  ***  eMail u...@gmx.de  ***  http://uafr.freeshell.org/
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