You can also in the GUI, right click on the icon, select "Properties" then click on the Permissions tab, then under Execute check the "Allow executing file as program"

On 2/12/24 05:02, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
Dnia 10.02.2024 o godz. 01:14:39 Tom Collier pisze:
I have downloaded the file "Linphone-5.2.1.Applmage", it sitting on my
desktop. Clicking on the file I get a window, "Unknown file type" "Choose
Program". How do I install this program "Linphone-5.2.1.Applmage" ?
The whole point of AppImages is that you don't need to install them.
You should just make the file executable (chmod a+x Linphone-5.2.1.Applmage)
and run it.

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