Rename the file users.c to users_hwaredriver.c   ...

Thanks.  Easy enough ....

Compiling from source code under Windows is easy. Everything you

Oh yes, I got to be an expert at that routine when we were getting the SDR-IQ working :-)

One other little item I've noticed. I've been using the same computer to run the SDR1000, Linrad and MAP65. With all three programs running at the same priority (Normal), an "overrun error" message is occasionally displayed in the right hand part of the main spectrum. I assumed this to be a task overrun, so I bumped the Linrad priority to Above Normal. All appears well (at least for the 45 minutes or so that I ran it) until something major occurs, like a new program loading/shutting down. The only consequence of the overrun error seems to be a short pop in the audio, but then everything appears nominal. Total CPU usage varies from around 35-40% to 100% when MAP65 is decoding, but the overrun error seems unrelated to the total CPU usage (as measured by WinXP, anyway).

Again, thanks for the quick reply.  Do you sleep?

joe n6kk

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