Hear, Hear!  Well said!  I was tempted to say that the other author was
simply a non-believer.

You provide clarity of thought and a singular vision.

Happy Holidays,

Rich Smrcina
Sytek Services, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI

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----- Original Message -----
From: David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: LCS drivers for 2.4.9 ?

> > Nope, but I'm free to go buy some piece of hardware that isn't tied up
> > with intellectual property "issues".
> That's always your decision to make. If the objective is complete purity
> essence, then we can sit around and theorize or select a different
> that meets the immediate needs.
> We can also try to do something constructive that convinces IBM to work
> us. It's about the same amount of effort, and IMHO the idea of using some
> understanding of the way IBM's internal mindset works to effect change is
> ultimately more useful.
> > In other words, is the mainframe
> > really worth all of this? From the testing I've done, I'm not
> > convinced...
> > a cluster full of inexpensive Intel boxes seems faster and
> > cheaper to me,
> > and
> > doesn't carry the baggage of hardware written to run an OS that is
> > completely foreign to Linux (OS/390). For example, with a
> > cluster of PCs,
> > each machine can have *GASP!* a console that actually works with vi.
> If that solution is more effective for you, then you're free to use it at
> the costs of any choice. Like I tell the content control fascists who want
> to water down anything on the Internet to the level of pre-digested
> pre-composted baby food, "You have the right to use an off switch and the
> ability to install filtering software on your PC to block anything that
> don't want to see.  Exercise that right." Me, I'm more interested in
> the problem than complaining about it.
> > This could be a temporary solution, until some bug in the
> > binary bit of code
> > cause it a) not to build properly or b) not to function properly.
> > Then we are right back to bitching and IBM to fix it.
> Make up your mind: do you want a perfect world or working network drivers?
> If a perfect world, you're going to be waiting a while.  If you want
> network drivers, then let's get to it and quit whining about it.
> > > I'd like to ask the IBMers to see whether this would be
> > > possible. I'll work
> > > on getting backing, or arranging a resource of my own.
> >
> > I would applaude such an effort as a stop-gap measure, it's not the
> > ideal situation though.
> See above. Whining doesn't fix the problem. Putting up resources does.
> call -- part of the problem, or part of the solution?
> -- db

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