Thanks for all the help.

Finally I am able to start tomcat as a daemon by using nohup.

Samy Rengasamy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay van der Meer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: SLES7 for S/390 and Tomcat 4.03 Automating Startup Problem

We had the same problem and also tried the other suggestion for nohup, which
did not work.  After much tracing we found a signal was being thrown (I do
not remember the number now) from the IBM JDK.  The only solution we came up
with was a long delay before starting tomcat.  Our basic process is now:

1. In the rc3.d we run a script to do su -l tomcat -c
"/usr/local/sbin/ &" followed by a sleep 10s
2.  In we first redirect the output followed by a sleep 45s
/usr/loca/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/bin/ run

Hope this helps.

On Monday 15 April 2002 15:31, you wrote:
> I had the same problem and I still have the same problem. I tried all
> trace/debug options
> Tomcat startup just aborts after echoing the classpath and catalina_home
> environment variables.
> I posted the scenario earlier and have not got a solution working for me.
> Samy Rengasamy.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Post, Mark K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 11:43 AM
> Subject: Re: SLES7 for S/390 and Tomcat 4.03 Automating Startup Problem
> Donna,
> I've run into similar problems in the past when I forget that at system
> start time, there's usually no PATH environment variable defined, so the
> scripts I write tend to fail.  To get more debugging information, you can
> put a "set -x" command right after the #!/whatever line you have in the
> /etc/init.d/tomcat script.  That might help figure out what's really going
> on.
> Mark Post
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donna Awald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:58 AM
> Subject: SLES7 for S/390 and Tomcat 4.03 Automating Startup Problem
> I have installed the tar version of Tomcat 4.03 and want to incorporate it
> in the /etc/init.d start up process.  I took the skeleton script and
> modified it for Tomcat.  I can successfully start it manually with the
> /etc/init.d/tomcat start command, and stop it with the /etc/init.d/tomcat
> stop command.  I placed the appropriate links in rc3.d directory via the
> insserv command and the comments in the tomcat start script.  When I
> shutdown reboot the system,  the tomcat script runs but tomcat is not
> started.  I placed many echoes throughout the script to verify the
> are being issued but the processes never start.  Has anyone run across
> before?  I have tried the following scenarios in the startup script:
> startproc /tomcat/bin/
> . /tomcat/bin/
> /tomcat/bin/
> /tomcat/bin/ start
> startproc /tomcat/bin/ start
> each of these worked when I issue the commands manually using
> /etc/init.d/tomcat start, but not during reboot time.
> I have SuSE Linux running on Intel platforms with the same version of
> Tomcat and using the equivalent one to the first one above works fine.
> (start_daemon instead of startproc)  So, I am really perplexed as to why
> is not working.
> Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Donna Awald

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