Alan - you are missing the point and I believe that Dave already mentioned
some of the reasons but I will add mine.

We are a OS/390 shop with ZERO VM skills. The distributed group does not
want to learn z/VM for many reasons, among them are the lack of any usable
intro/how-to documents to get started with - the existing pubs assume a
firm foundation or knowledge gained from attending a class. The OS/390
sysprogs that are assigned to the z/VM + Linux world have this as just
another assignment and thus do not have the time to become full fledged
z/VM sysprogs and management does not want to hire a z/VM sysprog full
time or contract for one. Management has been led to believe that
z/VM+Linux is simple and it isn't.  SAF was, supposedly like VIF, a simple
to use tool but it was to limited to be helpful beyond some very basic

If you want z/VM+Linux to be successful you (IBM) need to publish a simple
HowTo type document with step by step instructions, with explanation, for
setting up and managing this new environment.  Or you need to convince
management that they need to train/hire/contract for z/VM skills and that
they can't assume that the individual(s) will have time to do other z/OS
activities if the z/VM+Linux environment is dynamic/active to any degree.

Lionel B. Dyck, Systems Software Lead
Kaiser Permanente Information Technology
25 N. Via Monte Ave
Walnut Creek, Ca 94598

Phone:   (925) 926-5332 (tie line 8/473-5332)
Sametime: (use Lotus Notes address)
AIM:        lbdyck

Linux on 390 Port <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/14/2002 09:10:00

> On Tuesday, 05/14/2002 at 08:09 MST, Lionel Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > As a migration tool it isn't even adequate as even a screwdriver can
> > used for multiple things whereas SAF is too limited and if it was
> intended
> > as a migration vehicle to eventually get the site to a native z/VM it
> > falls miserably short as with SAF active you can't do anything but SAF
> and
> > Linux so you can't learn native z/VM.
> >
> > At a minimum the SAF doc should indicate to first install z/VM and
> > install a 2nd z/VM under the first and to activate SAF there so that
> > have a real z/VM to learn with as you can't guarantee that there is an
> > available LPAR to install z/VM in for experimentation.
> Lionel, the design point of SAF was compatibility with VIF.  It provides
> path so that that a VIF customer can migrate to z/VM *so they can stop
> using the VIF command and use native VM functions instead.  The whole
> of a simplified VM command-line sysadmin interface has proved to be
> untenable.  There are simply too many knobs, levers, bells, whistles,
> portals that have developed over the last 30 years to allow a meaningful
> simplification of the magnitude imposed by SAF and VIF.  How does one
> create a 2nd level system without learning enough directory management
> make SAF unnecessary?  Chicken and the egg.
> z/VM 4.3 introduced the IP Configuration Wizard and an ifconfig command
> handle TCP/IP stuff.  DIRMAINT does the heavy lifting for directory
> management.  Those three things do most of what VIF/SAF did for you.
> Bottom line:  The moment you decided that you needed to update the
> directory for yourself, you outgrew SAF.  We're pushing you out of the
> nest.  Fly and be free!  :-)
> Alan Altmark
> Sr. Software Engineer
> IBM z/VM Development

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