My company is a subscriber of the Giga Information Group.  One of my
co-workers just forwarded me a new paper by David Mastrobattista with the
above title.  Distribution of the document is restricted to only
subscribers, so I can't post it on, but if you or your company
has a subscription, it can be accessed at,2197,results,00.html?iContentID=260852

The abstract of the paper on Giga's public section states "Proceed with
extreme caution when evaluating performance benchmarks that span different
computing platforms.  We highly recommend clients monitor production
workloads and use their own real-world data whenever possible to gain the
most accurate results...."

To quote part of the paper... "as platform technologies and architectures
advance, the means by which these systems can be effectively measured - even
within a given architecture, let alone across platform architectures -
becomes more challenging."

Sound familiar to anyone?  :)

He gives recommendations on how to do the best job you can of figuring out
how workload on one architecture translates to another architecture, but
emphasizes that it's never going to be an exact science, to say the least.
And, near the end he offers this advice, which I agree with completely:
"...hold the vendor to any presales capacity claims."

Nice job, David (I know you're out there!).

Mark Post

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