Our MP3000 systems have been extremely reliable, in general,
staying up for months at a time.  However, we have had three
unexpected OS/2 reboots this year on one system, two with
OS/2 dumps produced, which IBM has collected and sent off
to be analyzed.  The January dump analysis was inconclusive,
and we are awaiting results from last week's dump.  The "SE
Service History" screen logged "Licensed internal code problem"
for last week's dump.

Another MP3000 system, identically configured, has been phoning
home for several weeks requesting a new battery for its
FastWriteCache on the disk controller.  We have been so busy
that I have hesitated to bring that system down, but will next
weekend, to upgrade from z/VM V4R1 to z/VM V4R3, and to allow
IBM to replace the battery.

We keep up to date on EC/MCL's, and we don't use the MP3000
console for normal operation.  All reboots happened while the
system was unattended.

All in all, we have been very, very satisfied with these systems.

Jim Rich
BEA Systems, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Andrews
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Caution on /etc/fstab

On Mon, 2002-06-10 at 10:46, Jim Rich wrote:
> We suffered a system crash last week, on a Multiprise 3000,
> due to an unexpected OS/2 dump and reboot.

May I ask what led up to this calamity?  Were you running any
applications under OS/2?  Are you using lots of those little emulated
device drivers (LCS3172, AWS3270, what-have-you)?  Are you putting a
load on that OS/2 box, or was this a spontaneous meltdown?

Before we got the MP3000, neither IBM nor the business partner explained
to us that the complex was only as reliable as the OS/2 image.  When I
discovered this I started treating the image with kid gloves.

What exactly happened to your system?

David Andrews
A. Duda and Sons, Inc.

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