I tried to send the author a note about this, and it seems that the e-mail
address doesn't exist, so I'll ask here:

Has anyone been able to access this guy's C: drive to get the agenda, or is
there an actual web address available to get the information? Since the
attachment doesn't make it through to the list, it's no help either. (Did
Mr. Santalucia actually read what he wrote and expect it to be reasonable? I
can't imagine!)

Robert P. Nix                            internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mayo Clinic                                  phone: 507-284-0844
200 1st St. SW                             page: 507-255-3450
Rochester, MN 55905
"In theory, theory and practice are the same,
 but in practice, theory and practice are different."

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leonard Santalucia [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 5:21 PM
> Subject:      Upcoming Linux Roadshow Schedule 7/10 to 8/8
> Free half-day seminar that explores the value of Linux on zSeries and
> offers practical implementation advice. Please find agenda, cities, dates,
> enrollment procedures at website C:\Documents and
> Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\~7458936.htm or in the attached
> invitation.
> (See attached file: 7-10 to 8-8 IBM Corp.htm)
> Contact Patricia  Arcari at Computer Associates, Marketing Coordinator,
> Marketing Communications at 1 860 627-4580 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
> any questions.

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