At 11:06 14-10-02 +0100, Malcolm Beattie wrote:

>For the userland issue, I've often wondered why someone hasn't done
>a version of scsidev for z/Linux (presumably "dasddev" would be the
>obvious name). It would simply go look at all the DASD information
>available via /proc/dasd/devices, /proc/partitions, query all the
>volumes for their volsers and build up a set of nodes and symlinks

You probably don't want to go out and probe all DASD devices but
restrict yourself to a specified subset. This even makese sense
in a virtual machine because it is cumbersome to require peopel to
detach all devices before starting Linux.

For those who run in LPAR it would be unwise to refer to device
addresses in their /etc/fstab and such. In a virtual machine you
can normally re-arrange the addresses to match whatever you have
in your files, and it may be annoying to require unique volsers
within the virtual machine. The label would be attractive if it
were not so confusing with the label-per-partition used in other

When in doubt, ask for both ;-)


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