The command to "vary offline" is
        echo "set device range=xxxx[-yyyy] off " >> /proc/dasd/devices

The results are a little misleading, in that the unit still shows up when
you cat /proc/dasd/devices, but with a status of "unknown."  Also, if you do
another "add device" for the same device number, you wind up with multiple
entries for the device number, assigned to different /dev/dasd? names.  A
little nerve wracking.

So, for people using z/VM, what I recommend doing is the initial "add
device" command for a given virtual DASD device number.  Then, just do "set
device off" and "set device on" commands for that device number after
detaching the one unit, and attaching a new one at the same virtual address.

attach a DASD volume at virtual address 300
        echo "add device range=300 " >> /proc/dasd/devices
        do whatever
        echo "set device range=300 off " >> /proc/dasd/devices
detach virtual address 300
attach another DASD volume at virtual address 300
        echo "set device range=300 on " >> /proc/dasd/devices
        do whatever
detach virtual address 300

And so on.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: James Melin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: Dasd Issue on Linux Guest.

So you can add the devices dynamically, but how do you then make them go
away, if you are only bringing them in to prepare them for use on another
system? Seems to me that some trace of the new volumes existence remains.

|         |           "Post, Mark K"   |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           m>               |
|         |           Sent by: Linux on|
|         |           390 Port         |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           IST.EDU>         |
|         |                            |
|         |                            |
|         |           02/11/2003 05:24 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |           Please respond to|
|         |           Linux on 390 Port|
|         |                            |

  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |       cc:
  |       Subject:  Re: Dasd Issue on Linux Guest.


After updating your parmfile, you need to re-run zipl.  Note that IPLing is
_not_ needed for a 2.4 system.  You can dynamically bring the volumes on
with a
        echo "add device range=xxx[-yyy] " >> /proc/dasd/devices
command.  You _do_ want to update your parmfile and re-run zipl for the
reason you're having problems.  When you do re-IPL, the volumes are unknown
to the system.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Ketchens, LeMarr T. (RyTull)
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 6:07 PM
Subject: Dasd Issue on Linux Guest.

Maybe someone can help me.  I've been trying to setup new dasd as well as
create a LVM for the combination of two volumes.  What am I missing?
Because when I reboot nothing stays.  I have to start all over it seems.  I
used Yast1 to create LVM after they were formatted.  I also issued the
from Yast1 and add the LVM info to the /etc/fstab file.

Linux Stuff - Formatting dasd on the Linux Machine for 201-203

Make sure that the USER DIRECT dataset has an additon
MDISK 201 3390 0001 3338 LN0001  MR READ     WRITE    MULTIPLE
MDISK 202 3390 0001 3338 LN0002  MR READ     WRITE    MULTIPLE
MDISK 203 3390 0001 3338 LN0003  MR READ     WRITE    MULTIPLE

edit /boot/parmfile on the Linux Guest
dasd=0100,0101,0200,0201,0202,0203 root=/dev/dasda1 noinitrd

dasdfmt -v -l L201 -b 4096 -d cdl -f /dev/dasdd (dasde & dasdf)

fdasd /dev/dasdd
select n and hit enter twice for the defaults (whole volume)
select w to write the VTOC

mke2fs -b 4096 /dev/dasdd1 (dasde1 & dasdf1)

I created /dev/rtora/lvora under Yast1 as the Logical Volume....
/dev/rtora/lvora /oracle                  ext2            defaults   1   2

I get this:

fsck.ext2: No such device or address while trying to open /dev/rtora/lvora
Possibly non-existent or swap device?
fsck.ext2 /dev/rtora/lvora failed (status 8)! Run it manually!

<-------------reiserfsck, 2001------------->
reiserfsprogs 3.x.0k-pre8
fsck failed.  Please repair manually and reboot. The root
file system is currently mounted read-only. To remount it

I've been following the example given in the redbooks and such, but it
as though I'm missing something.  Even if I just wanted to create regular
ext-2 dasd, why do they disappear when I go to reboot the Linux Guest?

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