a rather basic question.. is it possible to use X11 / XF86
windowing on SUSE SLES8?? - the client is WIN NT SSH'ing to z/VM. The
SUSE documentation is not very clear on this

You mean: can I run an app on Linux for zSeries that uses X to display it's output? Sure. You'd need to set the display variable correctly and direct it to an X server that the client is running. This means the app runs on the mainframe but directs its output over the network to the X server that's running on the NT box. There's usually an option on the X server to use SSH.

If however you mean: I'm SSH'ing into the VM or Linux system using
a 3270 emulator and I want to run an X server within my 3270
window, then I believe you're out of luck.

I'll leave the discussions about the pros and cons about running
an "X-app" on the mainframe to those who can explain it more
eloquently than I can...

...or at least have the link to the past posts where this has
been discussed.


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