You should do this with init scripts run by Linux, not external logins. You
may want to combine this approach with some simple REXX coding to check
startup order, etc, but the bulk will need to be done in the Linux world.

Look in /etc/init.d.  You'll find everything you need in that directory. Be
certain you follow the template provided there if you plan to use them with
SLES8 yast -- it gets mighty unhappy if it doesn't find it's magic strings.

Better yet, come to the next Hillgang meeting and see my presentation on
Linux initialization and runlevels.

-- db

David Boyes
Sine Nomine Associates

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Terry Spaulding
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 4:23 PM
> Subject: sample REXX execs to start Linux instances and more .....
> Does anyone have sample REXX execs they are willing to share
> that auto IPL
> a Linux guest, issue Linux userid/password to login, and then
> issue Linux
> commands to the Linux guest. Commands would be to start or
> enable Linux
> middleware ie: DB2 UDB, TAM, LDAP, WebSeal, WebSphere
> Application Server.
> I am trying to find a easy and quick way to automate the
> starting of Linux
> and enabling the middleware services with no intervention or as little
> intervention as possible.
> Please send to me any examples off list .
> Thanks ..........
> Regards,
> Terry L. Spaulding
> IBM Global Services

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