
Is the "\n" or a newline getting written to order and instorder files? If
it's the former, that may be the problem. I just split it into two

I also battled with this and ended up writing a script (that also copies
the CDs' contents) to be sure of the steps. It would be nice if SuSE
picked it up.  Hope it helps:

# cat mkinstallroot
function mountCopy
# arg 1: the ISO image to mount
# arg 2: the directory to copy to
  mount -o loop,ro $1 tmpCD
  cd tmpCD
  cp -a * ../installroot/$2
  cd ..
  umount tmpCD

# main()
# make the directory structure
mkdir installroot tmpCD
cd installroot/
mkdir sles9 core9 yast
cd sles9
mkdir CD1
cd ../core9/
mkdir CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5
cd ../..

# mount and copy the 6 CDs
mountCopy SLES-9-s390-RC5a-CD1.iso sles9/CD1/
mountCopy SLES-9-s390-RC5-CD2.iso core9/CD1/
mountCopy SLES-9-s390-RC5-CD3.iso core9/CD2/
mountCopy SLES-9-s390-RC5-CD4.iso core9/CD3/
mountCopy SLES-9-s390-RC5-CD5.iso core9/CD4/
mountCopy SLES-9-s390-RC5-CD6.iso core9/CD5/
rmdir tmpCD/

# make symbolic links
cd installroot
ln -s sles9/CD1/boot boot
ln -s sles9/CD1/content content
ln -s sles9/CD1/control.xml control.xml
ln -s sles9/CD1/media.1 media.1
echo "/sles9/CD1\t/sles9/CD1" > yast/instorder
echo "/core9/CD1\t/core9/CD1" >> yast/instorder
cp yast/instorder yast/order

-Mike MacIsaac, IBM  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (845) 433-7061

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