
> It appears that z/VM 5.1 can be made available on CD's although we got
> on tapes
Well, DVDs actually, but I would recommend to use the tapes - they're
faster and seem to be more reliable.  I installed from 3590 tape about a
month ago without a hitch - it only took a few hours.  Now recently we've
been battling with the DVDs.  We have not been able to apply the RSU DVD,
and we're trying to understand the problem. It seems the one SPOOL volume
(510SPL) is improperly formatted.

> We have not genned any tape drive addresses for the IFL and
> we can not rectify this for two weeks.
Well if you must, contact your IBM rep about getting the DVD media. You
should get one install and one RSU DVD. A couple of recommendations: (1)
be sure to let the install process first format all 5 DASD volumes. Soon
after the INSTDVD command there is an option to "Don't format the volumes"
- don't check that. (2) The bad spool volume *seemed* to first crop up
when applying the RSU (SERVICE ALL 5101RSU).  10-15 minutes into that we
got the error "HCPVSQ429E Punch spool error. File held". We went downhill
from there. Again we're still looking into this issue - it may be a bad

Has anyone either seen this error or successfully applied the RSU via DVD?

"Mike MacIsaac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   (845) 433-7061

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