Rob van der Heij wrote:
On 9/28/06, Brandon Darbro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No, the entire point is to not have to tolerate 3270 at all, to also not
have a line mode in telnet.  The entire point is to have a virtual
console device that is *completely* usable.  Have it good for vi, screen
(terminal multiplexer), control codes, TUI's, heck, even zmodem uploads
if we wanted to (*shudder*).

But why not use another running Linux server on the same z/VM image
with all the goodies you want or need, and link to the disks of the
dead machine to fix the problem? That allows you to use the network to
get data (if you even need to, because most packages may already be on
this server).

Having a central virtual KVM requires all kind of security controls to
make it scale. You don't just want any Linux console to be available
to everyone who may sometimes need to have access. Because obviously
the virtual KVM will also manage the virtual BIOS (CP commands,
directory, etc) and allow for reboot, shutdown, you name what.

Some shops, like mine, have what I call "strategic division of labor".
I can't grab another VM's disks.  z/VM is handled by the mainframe
group, and Linux is handled by my Unix group.  And while I might get
granted such access, that makes me the sole support person for tons of
VM's, because we haven't been successful getting many Unix admins to
train up on working in z/VM, and we get to do it so rarely, we forget
much of our training.

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