Ar Maw, 2006-10-17 am 16:07 -0700, ysgrifennodd Paul Dembry:
> My installation is SUSE 10 running on the Hercules S/390 emulator running on
> RedHat. It all runs fine (rather slowly but it runs). I notice two things.
> First even at idle, the CPU is burning through about a million
> instrutions/sec. Also it's constantly beating the emulated dasds. Does
> anyone else running in a similar configuration see the same activity?

Sort of, although mine is rarely idle (its a mail/ssh/etc internet
gateway). Linux isn't really heavily optimised for virtualisation
although people are improving it both at kernel and user space level
(there are offenders both sides of the fence). Arjan van de Ven in
particular has been beating up on user space app authors that cause a
lot of timer events.


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