We are using SAN storage... soon we will be phasing out ECKD dasd for Linux

The question is 'best' practice if you do have to utilize a swap
file/partition should it be on dasd/SAN Lun by itself similar to zOS, zVM,
zVSE or does the majority just place it on the same dasd/SAN Lun volume
with the Linux OS base ?

I understand the 'better' practice is to use vdisk, most are probably doing
this or considering it, and I am sure we will be doing that sometime soon.

Thanks for the responses .........

Rob replied:
On 1/25/07, Adam Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd say this is not quite true.  Place as much swap as you usually
> use on VDISK.  Place some more at lower priority on VDISK if you can

What will you 3rd tier be used for ? Do you expect ever to swap out to
that, and if so is it your strong wish to slow down the server (and


Terry L. Spaulding

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