Am Freitag, 8. August 2008 schrieb Mark Perry:
> Pieter Harder wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I am starting to think about the possibilities 2GB above the bar DCSS in
z/VM 5.4 will provide for replacing large Vdisk swap. But I can't find any
usable documentation on how to do swap to DCSS. The basics are documented on
dw and I can probably manage, but when anyone has been there and done that
can you please post some pointers and save us all the trouble of finding out
again. Performance information is quite welcome as well.
> >
> Hi Pieter,
> DCSS is good for sharing code (or constant data) between Guests. Swap
> data is unique to only one Guest. What do you hope to gain over
> a/multiple VDISK - size? performance?

In theory swap over dcss can have lower overhead than vdisk, if z/VM has
enough memory to hold the dcss in main storage. For vdisks every I/O operatin
is an SIE intercept (either diag or channel program parsing). I/O to a fully
memory resident dcss I/O is memory access only and does not cause any sie

I have no idea about the performance, if z/VM has to do a lot of paging and
the dcss is not resident.


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