Hi list

Looking for the way forward.

Have a Z9 with 1 CP and 5 IFL's. Have 4 X Z/VM 5.4 LPARS with various versions 
of SUSE Linux running as guests and a Z/OS Prod and Test Lpar.

Are installing a Z114 in a few weeks time and would like to upgrade to Z/VM 6.2 


1) Is it easier to move the Z/VM 5.4 Lpars over with the Suse Guest's and then 
upgrade to Z/VM 6.2? Or should I install Z/VM 6.2 and then move the guests 
(Will keep all of the device address's the same on the new machine.)

2) According to IBM Z/OS 1.7 will not run natively in an LPAR on the Z114. We 
need to run it under Z/VM as a guest. Has anyone run into this problem? - 
Though I would create a separate Lpar with Z/VM and 2 X Z/OS guests (Prod an 

3) Does Z/VM 5.4 run on a Z114?

Bruce Arro

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