Greetings All,

I've just gotten permission from the powers that be to release some tools
I've been using internally on my team for a couple months now. These are a
set of Ansible modules that you can use to create/destroy and modify
virtual machines on z/VM via SMAPI.

Yes - I am aware of everyones feelings regarding SMAPI. No there were not
any better alternatives to do what I needed to do easily within the time I
had to do it.

The good news is though: it actually works! Using these modules and
playbooks you can spawn an entire openshift cluster ( some assembly
required, I'm not providing a load balancer, dns updates, bastion host,
firewall, you're all clever people I dont have to hold your hands on all
that )

The base repo is at

thats where all the ansible playbook samples are with a sample inventory
file. The test_ examples show cases of creating, modifying, and deleting
virtual machines, as well as adding, cloning, and removing minidisks.

You will also need the actual modules from

You'll have to pull down the module code and build a galaxy tarball and
install it on your machine you're running the ansible playbooks from -
theres instructions in the readme.

At the moment its just me maintaining these. They work for my usecases, and
when you find horrible bugs ( you will ) open an issue and I will do my
best. This aint my day job, but I'm working to assemble a crack team to
make it their day jobs. The ultimate goal is to eventually get the modules
accepted into the Red Hat Ansible Certified Content for IBM Z ( ), so it will become
supported by both IBM and RH.

Thats not gonna happen this week though - so for now, please have a peek
and let me know if you think this will be useful to you and yours.

Happy Ansibiling!

Jay Brenneman

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