Hi all,

I'm newbie with elks since few weeks.

When I compile elkscmd to make the root FS, I have errors on fdisk.c compiling.
It does'nt find linuxmt/ directory and all .h included. What's the matter ?
There is a variable linux tested by #ifdef in order to choose between 2 types of
header files. What is its role ? How can I fix the pb ?
What does really do the make comb ?
Thank's for your help...

Patrice Kadionik. F6KQH / F4CUQ
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+"Tout doit etre aussi simple que possible, pas seulement plus simple"+
+ Patrice Kadionik     http://www-elec.enserb.u-bordeaux.fr/~kadionik +
+    IXL - ENSERB                fax   : +33            +
+ Laboratory of Microelectronics voice : +33            +
+ 351, Cours de la liberation    http://www.ixl.u-bordeaux.fr         +
+ 33405 TALENCE cedex            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    +
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