A hopefully last prerelease to Microwindows 0.87 is available at:


This prelease covers most all issues discussed on this list
in the last couple weeks.  Following are some major items:

    o Directory reorganization started.  The microwindows and
nanox specific source code, as well as the common engine
routines are now in their own directories.  Include files
are placed in a common directory, etc.  Although the source
file rearrangement is nearly complete, I still haven't added
Martin's new Makefile system (that will be coming, next cut).
Thus, there still aren't separate bin and lib directories, but
the source organization should make learning easier.

    o GrArea() modified to allow different types of pixel
data to be displayed.  Most of this is discussed in previous
email lists.  It all works and should be enough for Morten
to use as a base for his work.  This involved quite a bit
of work, but is worth it since Nano-X now supports
drawing in device dependent and device-independent

    o Quite a few bug fixes, including the Nano-X 64k
request packet fix, the GrMoveWindow fix for Nano-X
allowing windows to be moved and clipped properly,
fixing portrait mode in Microwindows offscreen
blitting, and the assert() fix that caused Microwindows
to exit sometimes.

For the next cut I plan on adding Martin's make system,
which allows for much better configurability, as well
as all demos and libraries to be made at once.  In addition,
I'm probably going to take a swipe at creating a window
manager base for Nano-X, so that it's windows
can look as cool as Microwindows API, if desired. (No,
this won't add much code)

Let me know if there are any issues found, I want
to make sure that 0.87 is a bug-free as 0.86 is.

Following is the detailed ChangeLog:

Version 0.87pre3 - 19th December 1999 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * started directory reorganization
 * changed LINUX meaning in Makefile, added UNIX for SOLARIS
 * fix negative blit index bug found under X11 by Piotr
 * set rootwp->parent = NULL for nano-X, fixes GrMoveWindow clip bug
 * added COLORVAL<->PIXELVAL conversion macros
 * modified GrArea to take packed pixel values of 8, 16 and 24 bits
 * modified GrArea to take RGB COLORVALs as well as PIXELVALs
 * renamed PF_TRUECOLOR24 to PF_TRUECOLOR888
 * added tunable MAXREQUESTSZ to limit max request length
 * modified Nano-X demo.c to GrArea() > 64k pixelvals for testing
 * fix client/server 64k length bug (request can be 24 bits in length)
 * fixed portrait mode in CreateCompatibleBitmap



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