>>>>> "Luciano" == Luciano Jose Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MV> The Atari Portfolio maybe?

Luciano> Tell more about this. It's good for run ELKS ?

Not sure. It has DOS 2.11 in ROM, has 128 kB of RAM (a minimum of 32
kB is used as a C: ram disk) and uses battery backed up SRAM cards for
storage. It has a 240x64 pixel screen (40x8 chars), with an optional
panning 80x25 screen. It runs off of 3 AA batteries (not included ;).
You can find out more about it at


and there's a software archive at



    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     -       +            +    .     http://www.cling.gu.se/~cl3polof/

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