Hi all,

I have been working for the last few days on reverse engineering the PCMCIA
card drivers that come with the poqet PC to see if I can find enough to write
versions of them for ELKS, and thus have ELKS drivers for the poqet.

I have written the following perl script which a nasty hack for taking the
output of a disassembler and making it a bit more readable. It makes
guesses about where symbols are, and makes sure to dissassembles the code at
that point correctly.

It takes arguments as follows:-

rev.pl <header_length> <entry_point> <offset>

<header_length> is the length of the header.

<entry_point> is the point in the file where the program starts. This is
not always the start of the body for .exe files.

<offset> is the offset from the beginning of the body to the point where
dissassembly should start.

All arguments should be in hex.

The script assumes you have ndisasm (part of NASM) installed in /usr/local/bin.



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