Linux-Advocacy Digest #437, Volume #28           Wed, 16 Aug 00 16:13:05 EDT

  Re: The dusty Linux shelves at CompUSA (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  Updated Steve/Mike List -- 38 Fake Names (was: So ya' wanna' run Linux?...I have a 
bridge for sale in Bklyn..... (Mark S. Bilk)
  Re: It's official, NT beats Linux (?) (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  It's official, Microsoft® porting applications to Linux (Milton)
  Re: The dusty Linux shelves at CompUSA ("Rich C")
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
  Re: Updated Steve/Mike List -- 38 Fake Names (was: So ya' wanna' run    Linux?...I 
have a bridge for sale in Bklyn..... (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE) (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE) (Nathaniel Jay Lee)


From: Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The dusty Linux shelves at CompUSA
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 14:07:01 -0500

The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Nathaniel Jay Lee
>  wrote
> on Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:59:25 -0500
> >> I'll bet they sell 200 times that of PowderPuff Girls (a kids game for
> >> Windows).... I saw 3 people on line buying that game the day I was
> >> there.
> >
> >All your other stuff is pretty redundant, but you dare to bring up the
> >PowderPuff Girls?  I'm outraged!
> Pedant point.
> POWERPuff.

Oh yeah, sorry about that.  I really feel stupid cause I've corrected
people on that one too.

> (I watch 'em too. :-) )
> >
> >(For those that don't know I watch Cartoon Network on a regular basis
> >and PowderPuff girls rock!  Also, Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Lab, I am
> >Weasle (I. R. Baboon), Cow and Chicken, and of course the old Looney
> >Tunes (can anybody ever get enough of them?).  And if you really think
> >this is a strike against me, so be it.  You gots ta keep yo sense o'
> >humor, and watching cartoons can be real relaxing.  Shut down the brain
> >and watch the show.  Ahhhhhh.)
> Like the one episode of Dexter's Lab where his brain shuts down
> because of overheating, his sister dresses him up as a girl, and
> he ends up kissing the butt of a duck.  (Or was it a goose?)
> :-)

I like the one where he created the little monster and it was
terrorizing the Mexican/South American countryside and he couldn't
remember why he had created the monster.  Then at the end of it DeeDee
sees the little monster and runs screaming, then he remembers that he
created the monster to scare DeeDee.  That one rocks.  Especially when
DeeDee is going, "Are we there yet, I'm hungry, where are we, how much
longer, I'm getting tired, are we there yet" etc.  That was hilarious.
Nathaniel Jay Lee


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Updated Steve/Mike List -- 38 Fake Names (was: So ya' wanna' run Linux?...I 
have a bridge for sale in Bklyn.....
Date: 16 Aug 2000 19:20:43 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Vester wrote:
>>"Sewer Rat"/Sarek/steveno/scummer/McSwain/Swango/piddy/
>>susie_wong/Ishmeal_hafizi/"Saul Goldblatt"/Proculous/
>>Tiberious/Jerry_Butler/"Tim Palmer"/BklynBoy/bison/Wobbles/
>Mike - you forgot 'the cat/hepcat' for your list :)

Thanks -- I did forget about that one, even though I had
replied to an article he wrote under that name.  It was a
very positive review of Mandrake 7.0, after which he went
back to his "linsux" drone.

The count is now 38 fake identities:

"Sewer Rat"/Sarek/steveno/scummer/McSwain/Swango/piddy/
pickle_pete/wazzoo/"leg log"/mike_hunt/Heather/Amy/claire_lynn/
susie_wong/Ishmeal_hafizi/"Saul Goldblatt"/Proculous/
Tiberious/Jerry_Butler/"Tim Palmer"/BklynBoy/bison/Wobbles/
The Cat (hepcat)[EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc. 


From: Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: It's official, NT beats Linux (?)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 14:11:05 -0500

Bob Hauck wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 13:15:55 -0500, Nathaniel Jay Lee
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >But the older I get, the more knowledge I consume, the less acceptable
> >most TV and most other 'popular culture' entertainment seems to me.
> >It must be age.
> I think so.  Most popular culture is targeted to that 18-34 demographic
> that supposedly spends a lot of money on entertainment.  As you get
> near to and pass the upper end of that range, have kids, etc, it all
> becomes less and less relevant to you.

In other words, Dad was right when he said, "These are the best days of
your life."  And I remember thinking when he said that, if this is the
best it's going to get I'm going to have one shitty life!  Guess I was
right. :-)

Nathaniel Jay Lee


From: Milton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.nt.advocacy
Subject: It's official, Microsoft® porting applications to Linux
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 15:38:03 -0400

In a desperate attempt, to regain some legitimacy in the high-tech
software arena, Microsoft® is letting a an experienced 3rd party,
Mainsoft, port it's applications to the state of the art operating
system, Linux.

The results, so far, have been disappointing.

Brought to you by Windows 2000 Magazine



From: "Rich C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The dusty Linux shelves at CompUSA
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 15:41:05 -0400

Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The first year of the first millenium was 1, not 0.  There never was a 0
> year. This means the first decade was *over* *after* the 10th year, not
> the 9th.  Therefore the 2nd millenium will be over at the end of the
> 2000th year, not the 1999th. So based on this MS has indeed 4 months to
> cough up whatever they are currently choking on.

Depends on WHICH millenium they planned it for, no?

Rich C.
"Because light travels faster than sound, many people appear to be
intelligent, until you hear them speak."


Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:20:40 -0700

Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> I liked Starblazers, haven't seen Captain Harlock.  I think I'm biased
> towards Robotech because I remember coming home from school to catch
> them when they were new in the states.  I watched them religiously at
> that time, and I always loved, LOVED the models that came out of the
> series.  Anybody else remember those models?  You could work on them for
> two weeks and still not have them all the way put together.  They were
> really complex, but what a sense of accomplishment when you finally
> completed one (especially as a kid).

Starblazer was the first Anime as a regular series televised in this area.
Then a few years latter came Robotech and then came Captain Harlock a couple
of years after that.  As I recall the plot of Captian Harlock he was an
honorable officer with an honorable crew that was put into a bad situation
and the only honorable thing to do was to go "renegade" and ship under the
flag of the skill and cross bones.  I had a little trouble following the
story because it when on the air at 6 A.M. just when I had to get ready for
work.  Besides the episodes were often preempted for "infomercials".

By the time that the Robotech models came out I nolonger had the time to
spare to work on models anymore.  :-(

> Now, Ice Pirates was absolutely hilarious.  I find that one to be even
> better if you turn the sound off and make up your own voices for it
> (hehe).

It is something how these BAD movies can be entertaining, but not in the way
that they were intended to.

> I've never gotten ahold of Plan 9, although I've heard some
> pretty hideous things about it.  I'll find if someday.

I have seen it for years in the mall video tape and record shops.  The going
price has been floating between $8.99 and $3.99, I never bought it.  Now to
make room for DVD's it is disappearing from the shops.

I saw, or should I say almost saw it in T.V. years ago.  (What happend to
all the good and all the campy weekend SciFI / Horror / Fantasy movies and
serials?)  I fell asleep on it after a little while and woke up just the
next movie was starting.  That movie was Forbiden Planet!  What a lineup!
One of the worst SciFi movies ever made followed by one of the best.

> I got one for ya.  I think it was called StarShip (I know there's
> another word, but I can't think of it).  The special effects team was
> the same ones that worked on the Star Wars movies, but they were VERY
> inexperienced at the time they started it.  It was one of the most
> gawdawful pieces of garbage I've ever seen.  My uncle called it
> 'giggling butts in space suites' because basically every female officer
> on the ship had on a bikini looking thing and ran through every seen so
> that any 'fleshy parts' would bounce all over the place.  I have a
> little idea of what the plot was, but it didn't seem to be very
> important.  ANd I am quite sure that I saw MST3K do an episode with that
> movie.  They said basically the same stuff I said the first time I
> watched it.  It was even funnier to know that someone else thought the
> same thing.

DId it date from the early 70's and was it dubbed into english?  I barely
remember a movie that sounds like that I saw on T.V. in the late 1970's.

There was another, of a boy who sees a something in the sky and then goes to
bed.  When he wakes up he discovers that people are changing it turns on
there has been a landing of Martains who are controlling the people.  The
central controller/leader is just the same alien from the Horrors of the Red
Planet reused.  The story was a cross between War of the Worlds and Invasion
of the Body Snacthers.  At the end of the movie the boy wakes up, it was all
a dream.


Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:27:59 -0700

Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> My condolences.  I was fortunate in that my parents are just a couple
> of years older than the baby-boomers, and ... stayed away from
> moronic behavior.

HEY! careful, there some in this group may be "Boomers" and don't match that


Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:24:54 -0700

Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> I don't know, something about Family Guy just doesn't hit me right.  But
> I haven't watched too many episodes of it.  I'm thinking it's just not
> my humor style.

I feel that it will be very hard for anything to beat The Flintstones.
Which was a cartoon copy of the Honeymooners.


Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:32:58 -0700

Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> There was a big, huge write up about that in a National Geographic not
> too long ago.  It was about the history of candy and they talked about
> how Reeses Pieces were first successful after that movie, and how hard
> Reeses had fought to get the candy in the movie.  The short version is
> that they made the movie producers a deal they couldn't refuse, and sort
> of cut out Hersey with that one.  It was a retaliation for deals that
> had gone bad between Hersey and the original founder of Mars and a
> couple of other candy execs.  It was really interesting how even in the
> candy business it's a cut-throat world.

Gee, thanks!  What I presented was my analysis from seeing the movie and
reading the book that the screen play was based on, then comparing the


From: Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Updated Steve/Mike List -- 38 Fake Names (was: So ya' wanna' run    
Linux?...I have a bridge for sale in Bklyn.....
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 14:37:29 -0500

"Mark S. Bilk" wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Vester wrote:
> >>Hi
> >>Steve/Mike/Simon/teknite/keymaster/keys88/"S"/Sponge/Syphon/
> >>"Sewer Rat"/Sarek/steveno/scummer/McSwain/Swango/piddy/
> >>pickle_pete/wazzoo/"leg
> >>log"/mike_hunt/Heather/Amy/claire_lynn/
> >>susie_wong/Ishmeal_hafizi/"Saul Goldblatt"/Proculous/
> >>Tiberious/Jerry_Butler/"Tim Palmer"/BklynBoy/bison/Wobbles/
> >>screwbilk/deadpenguin/"%^$&&&&&&&&&&&&@!!!!!!!!!!!!!.com"/
> >
> >Mike - you forgot 'the cat/hepcat' for your list :)
> Thanks -- I did forget about that one, even though I had
> replied to an article he wrote under that name.  It was a
> very positive review of Mandrake 7.0, after which he went
> back to his "linsux" drone.
> The count is now 38 fake identities:
> Steve/Mike/Simon/teknite/keymaster/keys88/"S"/Sponge/Syphon/
> "Sewer Rat"/Sarek/steveno/scummer/McSwain/Swango/piddy/
> pickle_pete/wazzoo/"leg log"/mike_hunt/Heather/Amy/claire_lynn/
> susie_wong/Ishmeal_hafizi/"Saul Goldblatt"/Proculous/
> Tiberious/Jerry_Butler/"Tim Palmer"/BklynBoy/bison/Wobbles/
> screwbilk/deadpenguin/"%^$&&&&&&&&&&&&@!!!!!!!!!!!!!.com"/
> The Cat (hepcat)[EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc.

Don't forget the one where he just called himself "." and then tried to
get all zen like in saying something about "identity doesn't matter" or
some such nonsense.
Nathaniel Jay Lee


From: Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 14:53:51 -0500

> By the time that the Robotech models came out I nolonger had the time to
> spare to work on models anymore.  :-(

Man, there's always time for models.  In fact, if I could find some of
those Robotech models I'd love to build a few more of them.

> > Now, Ice Pirates was absolutely hilarious.  I find that one to be even
> > better if you turn the sound off and make up your own voices for it
> > (hehe).
> It is something how these BAD movies can be entertaining, but not in the way
> that they were intended to.

Yeah, I really doubt anyone writes a movie in the hope that it will end
up on MST3K (although most of their movies come from 'before their

> > I got one for ya.  I think it was called StarShip (I know there's
> > another word, but I can't think of it).  The special effects team was
> > the same ones that worked on the Star Wars movies, but they were VERY
> > inexperienced at the time they started it.  It was one of the most
> > gawdawful pieces of garbage I've ever seen.  My uncle called it
> > 'giggling butts in space suites' because basically every female officer
> > on the ship had on a bikini looking thing and ran through every seen so
> > that any 'fleshy parts' would bounce all over the place.  I have a
> > little idea of what the plot was, but it didn't seem to be very
> > important.  ANd I am quite sure that I saw MST3K do an episode with that
> > movie.  They said basically the same stuff I said the first time I
> > watched it.  It was even funnier to know that someone else thought the
> > same thing.
> DId it date from the early 70's and was it dubbed into english?  I barely
> remember a movie that sounds like that I saw on T.V. in the late 1970's.

Actually, I think (re-reading what I wrote) I pretty much described
every sci-fi movie in the first wave of 70's sci-fi (except for the
special effects team).  Um, it was actually early to mid 70's and it was
made as a english movie.  It was really terrible though.  They had these
little go-cart looking things that looked like golf carts with big fancy
plastic bodies on them.  Even MST jumped on that one and started talking
about the golf carts.  Of course, they were supposedly jet-powered or
rocket-powered, but when one of them died they would sit there and hit
the 'starter' and it would sound like a slighly used car engine turning
over.  Really clever effects team on that one.

> There was another, of a boy who sees a something in the sky and then goes to
> bed.  When he wakes up he discovers that people are changing it turns on
> there has been a landing of Martains who are controlling the people.  The
> central controller/leader is just the same alien from the Horrors of the Red
> Planet reused.  The story was a cross between War of the Worlds and Invasion
> of the Body Snacthers.  At the end of the movie the boy wakes up, it was all
> a dream.

That one sounds familiar to me.  But I can't remember where I saw it.

Nathaniel Jay Lee


From: Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 14:56:02 -0500

> Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I don't know, something about Family Guy just doesn't hit me right.  But
> > I haven't watched too many episodes of it.  I'm thinking it's just not
> > my humor style.
> I feel that it will be very hard for anything to beat The Flintstones.
> Which was a cartoon copy of the Honeymooners.


I don't know why, but the Flintstones don't do much for me unless I am
really, REALLY craving total mindless entertainment (and it does happen

I do remember in the dorm at colledge once saying, "I need mindless
entertainment." turning on the TV and hearing, "Yaba, Daba Dooo!" and my
roomate said (appropriately), "ask and you shall recieve."  Seemed about
right to me.

Nathaniel Jay Lee



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