Linux-Advocacy Digest #445, Volume #33            Sun, 8 Apr 01 08:13:05 EDT

  Re: XP = eXPerimental (GreyCloud)
  Re: An end to legacy hardware? (GreyCloud)
  Re: Baseball (*sunbird*)
  Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message (robert@-)
  Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message (Robert@-)
  Re: International Space Station: Russian software seems more reliable  (Big Daddy)
  Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.  (Mathew)
  Re: Is StarOffice 5.2 "compatible" w/MS Office 97/2000? (Joerg Schilling)
  Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. ("Alex 
  All of linux in this site. Instruction complete downloads ecc. go to : ("frecell")


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XP = eXPerimental
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 00:14:06 -0700

Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> >
> > In misc.invest.stocks J.T. Wenting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > | "2 + 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> > |> XP = eXPerimental
> > |>
> > | thought it meant ExPert?
> >
> > Naw...It means eXtra Profit...
> X-ray (your) Possesions?
> eXamine (your) Passport?
> eXcoriate (your) Pudendum?
> eXit (all) Programs?
> Xerxes-like Profits?
> Xenophobic Posturing?
> eXcess Pee?
> --
> [ Do Not Make Illegal Copies of This Message ]

Now that I look at it long enough, XP,... it looks like a dead emoticon
with its tongue hanging out.



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: An end to legacy hardware?
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 00:25:54 -0700

Axel Harvey wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Andy Walker wrote:
> > Lets face it, PC's are pieces of crap. They have so many legacy problems
> > such as interrupt configurations, memory and backwards compatability that
> > they belong in the 1980's if not the 70's. In reality it's like getting an
> > old Cortina and trying to get it to perform like a Ford Focus.
> Gee! I thought legacy hardware was something like my Cromemco Z2X
> (preciously mothballed in my cellar)--and I think of it more as a
> Duesenberg J than as a Ford.

Oooh!  You do have a real collectors item there!  I remember it in all
of the early Byte magazines.  A very rugged machine.


From: *sunbird* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Baseball
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 03:01:31 -0500

"T. Max Devlin" wrote:

> Ah, yes.  Always the "if".  "If" there's nothing else to blame it on,

name any software that works if you install it on bad hardware or with
bad drivers.  that IF is a reality of life. 

i have debugged a lot of trouble on NT systems.  usual answer is idiot
set it up.

> despite NT's reprehensibly bad design and well documented deficiencies,
> then and only then could you consider blaming Microsoft.  Guffaw.

well documented deficiencies is a good thing.  no software is bugless, 
and knowing what the bugs are is the next best thing.

again, a real world concept from someone who knows what they are doing.

> >If it is the application only that is crashing, then that is an
> >application fault, not an OS fault.[...]
> I'm terribly sorry, I'm going to have to, at this point, declare such a
> statement to be hopelessly naive, or a sock puppet fabrication.  A
> crappy design of a platform is the platform's, fault, even when its
> evidenced by the failure of applications on that platform.

platforms are what they are.  i have many applications that manage to
on NT without what I would call difficulty.

if some programmer cannot bother to read about the well documented 
difficiencies and take these into account when coding then it is most
certainly the app writer's fault.

again, no code is buggless.  know your platform and work with it.  not
some blind ideal.  

or sit around and bitch because something isn't perfect.  and then of
course you will fail to show me anything else that is.



From: robert@- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
Date: 8 Apr 2001 00:49:32 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bob says...
>I don't prefer to download 150 MB files, and sometimes only want to 
>grab a part of the distribution.

The original poster has a valid point.

What is so hard if KDE provides one large tgz file that contains all
the other files as an OPTION in addition to the current system?

Those who want to download the one file can do so.

You need to think outside the box, which from your ranting you seem
to unable to do.



From: Robert@- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
Date: 8 Apr 2001 00:54:20 -0700

In article <2oRz6.92517$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "WGAF" says...
>> Like RPM?  I installed KDE 2.1.1 (upgrade from 2.1) by doing this:
>> $ for i in qt kdebase kdelibs kdegames ...; do rpm -U $i/*; done

>As oppose to downloading a single executable, running it once the dowload
>finished and it's done? Linux really shines in that respect, doesn't it?

This is Unix mind set, it has nothing to do with Linux only.

If you suggest one solution to unix people that could make it little
easier to the end user, they respond with 20 other alternatives
using the most convoluted and absured ways to do it, and they wonder
why you would not try one of those unix ways.

They will never get it. 

Any suprise windows, with all its faults, has 90% of the desktop
marker, and %45 of the serve market?

Well, Unix only had 35 years to understand the end user, they might want
another 35 years more still, and I bet they will never get it.


From: Big Daddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: International Space Station: Russian software seems more reliable 
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 09:48:37 GMT

Dave Martel wrote:

> <,1282,42912,00.html>
> Houston, Windows Has Problems
> by Leander Kahney
> 2:00 a.m. Apr. 7, 2001 PDT
> "...The space station, which has been operational for less than five
> months, experiences almost daily computer glitches, according to the
> commander's log recently published on the Web."
> "Most of the problems appear to be related to Microsoft's Windows NT,
> while Russian-made software seems to be more reliable."
> "The day really gets off to a bad start," writes Commander Bill
> Shepherd in an entry dated February 22. "The server connection to
> the (Net) is down hard. We worked on it last night until 0100 and
> could not bring it up..."
> "...At about 2200, we were reconfiguring some mail files which,
> with a lot of help from Windows NT, got put in the wrong place
> during the backup procedure."
> <snip>
> "The log seems to indicate that the crew is using Microsoft Outlook as
> their e-mail client."
> The article comments that "The network appears to be a mix between Sun
> AIX (Unix) and Windows NT servers and Russian laptops running an
> unspecified operating system" and that the systems are networked using
> ethernet and a low-speed network. It'd be interesting to know what OS
> the Russians are using. My guess is either linux or a pirated copy of
> Windows. <BG>

No, their using iBooks!


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 22:05:06 +1200


I guess you have never used Solaris before.  Solaris, you download the self
exacting archive (with the extension *.class), double click on it, and a
wizard is launched which you click on the next button to continue the
installation.  So, no, you comment regarding UNIX or Linux is not valid.  A
more pressing issue is why, when I was running Windows 2000, did I have to
reboot after installing Media Player? its just a fucking media player, not a
low-level component of the operating system!  explain that.  Also, what did
I need to reboot after installing the high encryption pack for Internet
Explorer did I need to reboot?  I find those more annoying, esp. when you have
update Windows 2000 and everything you update requires a system reboot.

Matthew Gardiner


I am the resident BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell)

If you do not like it go: [rm -rf /home/luser] and
have a nice day :)


From: Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. 
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 20:33:44 +1000

On 6 Apr 2001, Alex Chaihorsky wrote:

> "Joseph T. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:9ahk5d$9b5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > In comp.os.linux.advocacy Alex Chaihorsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > : Marxism is a religion. It is a religion of cowards who are
> > : afraid to go to the world and take risks of their own. It is a religion
> of
> > : the weak who are afraid to be pushed aside by the strong. It is a
> religion
> > : of envy, dark, black envy of the talentless and the lazy alike.
> > : But mostly the honorless cowards, who say -  "I do not dare and will not
> let
> > : you dare".
> >
> >
> > That is perhaps the best description of Marxism that I have ever seen.

Was hatred of the Tzar justified.Was the extreme poverty that the Tzar
imposed on Russians,while the royal family lived lavishly, the main reason 
the war between the Reds and Whites happened?

> >
> >
> > Joe
> Thanks, Joe, I am humbled. I feel that finally I am paying back the
> bastards. Feels GREAT.
> Alex Chaihorsky
> Reno, NV


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joerg Schilling)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.advocacy,alt.solaris.x86,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: Re: Is StarOffice 5.2 "compatible" w/MS Office 97/2000?
Date: 8 Apr 2001 10:56:35 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Richard L. Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Agree preferring some of the old to some of the new.  But I really _hate_
>the cruddy, almost unreadable fonts one typically sees in TeX generated
>PostScript.  They don't look quite so bad on paper, but at mere screen
>resolutions, they're dreadful.

A result from abusing Postscript instead of using it....

BTW the TeX fonts are ugly (when printed) too, but I read that Knut
does not see the difference to really nice fonts :-(

EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                (uni)  If you don't have iso-8859-1
      [EMAIL PROTECTED]            (work) chars I am J"org Schilling


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lack of linux billionaires explained in one easy message
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 23:09:44 +1200

"T. Max Devlin" wrote:

> Said Matthew Gardiner in on Fri, 06 Apr 2001
> 22:55:42 +1200;
> >Have you ever heard the term, "the best technology doesn't always win on the
> >day".
> Yes, and I consider it a myth; more, an obvious fabrication, by
> definition.

Example of this would be the engine on the European Space probe, both the French and
English companies were competing for a tender to provide the engines (I think they
were proton engines?), the French won the contract, even though the ones designed by
the English company used less fuel.
The only reason why the French company did get the contract was because the French
Government were able to use its weight, in the form of how much the put into the
European Space Programme, to their advantage. Thats one example of the best
technology not winning on the day.

> >UNIX has been around for 35 years, and has never been intended to be run on
> >end lusers systems such as yours, that is why they have stuck with high end
> >servers and workstations, the area where the end user has some grey matter in
> >their head.
> No, actually, it was that for the first decade of PC development, Unix
> developers did not want to water-down their market by supporting
> commodity hardware PCs.  The second decade, they were unable, due to
> Microsoft's illegal activity in both decades.

I understand where you are coming from.&nbsp; Apparently (I have never used it), SCO
UNIXWare 7.1 is quite a good flavour of UNIX for the Intel platform.&nbsp; As far as
I know, Pizza Hutt New Zealand still uses it for their pizza ordering system and
other requirements.&nbsp; Quite a good system, when I worked there (when I was at
Uni), it never crashed the whole time I was there, compared to my last job that used

> >Also, if you were to look at Linux as the Desktop version of UNIX,
> >considering it has only been around for 9 years, it has made tremendous inroads
> >into the OS market, considering that not only is it competing against UNIX is
> >some areas, but the illegally maintained monopoly of Microsoft  in the OS market.
> It competes against some Unixes, as do other Unixes.  It will be
> improved to an extent inversely proportional to the number of
> proprietary Unix developers that finally give up and make it better.
> IBM is almost done, once HP and Sun are forced to follow, the days of
> proprietary OSes will be gone.  Bear in mind, nothing competes against
> that which is anti-competitive.

I agree. I would like to see one day, although a very long pipe dream, that the major
UNIX vendors got together and combine the good aspects of Linux, AIX, IRIX and
Solaris to create an OS that can seriously compete against Microsoft.

> >I also refute those statistics.  Many of them never include the number of
> >downloaded copies of Linux, or the "borrowed" copy, or the number of people
> >outside the US adopting Linux as their main OS.  It will be rather interesting if
> >Linux becomes the defacto standard on chinese computers, and even if Linux has a
> >20% share in the Chinese OS market, that will equal 240 Million copies, thus
> >definitely putting  it  a serious position.  Also there is a matter with Red Flag
> >Linux, which, if the Chinese government agrees, could become the standard OS used
> >on government computers, thus, end users in china will follow suite, and use
> >linux as well.
> Well said.  So much for bogus "market share" breakdowns.  Market share
> is meaningless, unless you're ignorant of the law.

True, and remember, for every one "market share" breakdown, there will be another
with a totally different conclusion. Hence, it is virtually impossible, unless it is
part of a census form requiring people to state
what OS they use. Even then, you can't always guarantee that people will be truthful.

Matthew Gardiner


I am the resident BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell)

If you do not like it go: [rm -rf /home/luser] and
have a nice day :)


From: "Alex Chaihorsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: 08 Apr 2001 11:23:30 GMT
Reply-To: "Alex Chaihorsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Was hatred of the Tzar justified.Was the extreme poverty that the Tzar
> imposed on Russians,while the royal family lived lavishly, the main reason
> the war between the Reds and Whites happened?

1. Communist propaganda. Russia was always a poor country. However, under
Nicolas 2 Russia made enourmous progress. You can check that in world
economic reviews. Slavery (serfdom) was abolished in 1870. Free public
schools, strong ruble, Stolypin agrarian reforms - Russians were living
better than ever. That does not mean that Russia of N2 was a heaven on
earth. But it was progressing very fast.
As opposed to his predeccessors, Nicolas The Second was VERY modest man. He
was a dedicated father and may be the first among Russian Tzars who was not
really a Tzar at all. Another example - he never promoted himself above the
military title his father gave him -  and remained a colonel till his death.
Nicolas The 2, who was called by Communists "Bloody" has NEVER signed a
death warrant.. After the Revolution they killed millions... During his
years political prisoners were freed from hard labor and were paid pensions
while in internal exile.
The Russian public, however, was disgusted by the behaviour of Rasputin and
tragically, Tzar, as a very mild and weak man was not able to control the
man. Rasputin had established control over Tzarina because of his ability to
quell the pains of the Tzarevitch , who was terminally ill with a heredetary
desease. Also, WW1 has taken it toll on the Russian society.
BTW, the war bertween Whites and Reds has NOTHING to do with Tzar.
Remember - Tzar voluntarily gave up his powers in 1917, after which FEBRUARY
Revolution occured (that one had nothing to do with Reds (bolsheviks) and
was a democratic event. Later, Lenin, being paid by Germans, started OCTOBER
coup (BTW, Communists themselves called it a coup (perevorot) untill
1930-is) that was later renamed into OCTOBER Revolution.
After that is when the Civil War started and the sides were called Whites
and Reds.
At some point of the Civil War Reds were afraid that former Tzar can be
liberated by Whites and they killed the former Tzar, who voluntarily gave up
his throne with his wife, teenage daughters and son.If you can justify

Tzar was quite anti-Jewish, though. But knowing the domination of Jews among
Russian Communists and Left Social Revolutioners, I do not blame him. I am a
Jew, BTW. On the other hand, I can hardly blame Jews being anti-Government
in Russia because of severe restrictions they have in business, education
and freedom of movement.
Russian history is full of Jewish-Slav hatred, so he was hardly original.
I do blame Jews (and my Grandparents among them) for blind, stupid and
criminal loyalty to Communists and the role we played in destroying Russia
as a country, especially when it became apparent that Communists are just a
bunch of bloody murderers. I am very saddened that most prominent monsters
among Communists were Jews (Stalin was not, Lenin was 1/2 a Jew) - Trotsky,
Sverdlov, Martov, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Yagoda, Volodarsky. Uritsky, Yakir,
etc, etc. etc.
They all fell victims of later Stalin's purges, so "who live by the sword,
die by the sword".

Alex Chaihorsky
Reno, NV


From: "frecell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: All of linux in this site. Instruction complete downloads ecc. go to :
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 13:33:52 +0200

All of linux in this site. Instruction complete downloads ecc. go to :



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