Am 2. April 2012 20:05 schrieb Emanuel Rumpf <>:
> NSM has some nice rules already, to make things behave smooth.
> Now add a few sensible rules, to make sure that
> audio-file management works equally well.
> These are really very simple points, I say.

Proposing a few simple non-intrusive rules:

- clients MUST create symlinks for all external files used - in the
   directory "nsm/ sessions/ mysession/ myapp/ external-file-links/"

 - clients are ADVISED to store large-files in "/nsm/ large-files/"
   (and create symlinks for them as in previous point)

- all NSM-clients treat all files, as if they were inside their
   (means: they access all external files over the symlinks)

- if a file must be external, apps create a symlink in
   their external-file-links/ folder and access the file through that link

Without obtruding much on the application, nor on the SM
 (clients just create the symlinks and use them),
this would - for the first version :

 - offer accaptable integrity.

 - ensure all files are either referenced-from or contained-in the session dir

 - ensure, if a file or link in the session-dir is modified or replaced,
   the new version is used by the nsm-client

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